Nelson & Lisa Zayas, Co-founders of Willow Roots
Everyone matters.
Food Pantry: This is our flagship program. We are a client choice pantry where clients choose what they want, thereby minimizing food waste. In 2021 we fed 716 (unduplicated) people: 209 children, 436 adults, and 72 senior citizens. That’s about 5,000 meals. We offer a wide variety of foods (too numerous to list), condiments, toiletry items, even cat and dog food for those with pets! In all, our clients can choose from over 300 items.
Willow Roots began as a Food Pantry to help end hunger in Pine Plains. We soon expanded to meet the growing needs of our community at large in countless other ways. Willow Roots knows that human beings need much more than food to survive. We strive to make sure everyone feels seen and understood with support and compassion. Now more than ever, acceptance, mentoring, critical life skills and a sense of safety and equality are missing in communities across the country. All people flourish when individuals sense they belong to a greater shared purpose in life. Our programs are as creative and diverse as our community. Join us. No matter your age, color, socio economic background, religion, sexual identity or preference or disability, we welcome you home.
Click here to see recipes and nutrition tips (Link is not active yet, as of 9/12/2022)