Our humble beginning, working out of the front porch.


Willow Roots began as a love story through the decades between two people who shared a common sense of giving back to the community. Lisa and Nelson Zayas had long been working as individuals to assist friends, families and strangers. They were well known to bring meals, support, understanding and expertise to anyone in need, no questions asked. Once they married, this dynamic duo kicked into overdrive in Pine Plains, seeking to even the disparity of socio economic resources. They could not stand seeing any child, veteran or family go hungry. And neither could they stand by to watch anyone continue to feel a sense of disenfranchisement in life. They decided to incorporate into a non profit, assembled a diverse and talented board with a shared sense of commitment and attracted volunteers and donors that wanted to further their vision of equality for all. Turns out, their timing, as always, was right on target. Willow Roots began feeding families just a few months before the pandemic hit the United States. They quickly grew in services as the needs were many. Today, Willow Roots is highly regarded as a true center of community for Pine Plains, bringing together people and resources and a sense of well being for all.

In just over a year, Willow Roots has already expanded exponentially. We’ve more than doubled our outreach and moved to a brand new location for our Food Pantry Distribution Center. There are countless ways that the Pandemic has instructed the greater needs of basic support in Pine Plains and the surrounding areas. Willow Roots is dedicated to continue meeting the growing needs of their community as the impact of Covid continues and beyond.



  • Incorporates, Assembles Board

  • Connects with Local Farms for donations of organic produce, dairy and meats for distribution to families in Pine Plains.

  • Begins serving 20-30 pounds of food per family to an average of 66 clients weekly.

  • Attracts volunteers, donors and pro bono services.

  • Writes and receives important grants and funding.

  • Expands freezers and electric through donations from local farms, community and churches for growing food needs.

  • Partners with the Stissing House and community to provide a delicious and nutritious Holiday Meals to the community.


  • Progresses and expands to meet the needs from Covid -19.

  • Creates weekly drive through stations with masked clients and socially distanced volunteers and runners to distribute food, clothes, baby formula, diapers, toiletries, cat/dog food, household necessities.

  • Identifies need for expansion of Food Pantry Location, Thrift Shop and Programming.

  • Begins Network Program: coordinates additional donations and resources for refrigerators, freezers, transportation, bicycles, jobs, apartments, stoves, washers and dryers, kitchen supplies, appliances for individuals and families in need.

  • Further expansion of contributing local farms and donors, grants and funding.

  • Collects seedling donations and begins planting in a section of the Pine Plains Community Garden.

  • Collaborates with the Pine Plains Community Food Locker.

  • Begins scouting for a larger building.

  • Grand Opening in New Location: March 2020

  • Grows weekly distribution service from 66 people (Pre-Covid) to 110 people, 40 families in 2020.

Our Future!

In just one year, Willow Roots has more than doubled their outreach and distribution numbers in Pine Plains and the surrounding communities. In March of 2021, we moved into a new space, having a need to expand to truly meet needs of so many. We imagine another move soon and hope you can assist us. Willow Roots seeks a true home, a building in the town of Pine Plains so that we can provide additional community oriented programming as a one stop shop. We have already met and moved far beyond our initial goals as a Food Pantry. The Pandemic has been a learning tool for each of us. It has shown us that we need to care more for one another and become a beacon of light for those who are suffering. Help to make our dream come true and donate whatever amount you can. Every dollar counts.